IVOXS Call Recording Manager
IVOX Call Recording Manager was designed and intended for recording of incoming and outgoing calls.
Demonstrating compliance with ever-tightening global regulations that require commercial institutions to keep a secure and accurate record of communications, including telephone, dealerboard and cell phone conversations, can be tough challenge. A vital part of the solution is knowing that you can reliably record, store and retrieve all your voice and data communications whenever they're needed.
With IVOX Recording Call Manager you get a highly advanced and easy-to-use recording solution that's designed to help organizations in commercial sectors comply with standard.
Some Features:
- Audit files played.
- Audit download files.
- Audit Record Enable.
- Audit Record Disabled.
- Audit user activity.
- Audit Reports.
- Details Reports.
- Multi Company.
- Multi Users.
- Multi Branch.
- Multi Deparment.
- Multi PBX.
- PBX Remote Monitoring.
- PBX Status Alert by Email.
- Call Records From IVR Menu.
- Call Records by Incoming caller ID.
- Call Records by extension.
- Call Records by PIN/AUTH Code.
- Call Records by Outgoing Number or Extension.
- Windows/Linux client for user video desktop recording.
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