IVOXS Call Controll Manager

IVOXS Call Controll Manager

With IVOXS Call Control Manager you can control the time your employees use the phone.

You can also use it to measure the performance of your employees and the time they spend on the phone, so you can use to measure the performance of employees in sales campaigns Product. With IVOXS Call Control Manager you can assign minutes of outgoing calls to employees when these minutes are exhausted the employee can not make further outgoing .

Some features:

  • Assign minutes by extension.
  • Assign minutes per PIN.
  • Auditing of user activity.
  • Reports of audits.
  • Reports of the minutes consumed.
  • Mail alert supervisor when a user last x time on the phone.
  • Audible warning to the employee when the minutes are about to end.
  • You can set the time between each employee last outgoing call.
  • Multi company.
  • Multi Branch
  • Multi PBX

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